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In 2021 in the peak of the pandemic, I stumbled across a block of land for sale. Buried in a forest of overgrown lantana was a crumbling old house and a pile of rubbish. 'No inspections - selling site unseen for safety' was noted in the add. After climbing the safety fence I entered the home and discovered the ominous dungeon underneath, and the rather fitting slogan 'asbestos death house' spray painted on the living room wall. It was as creepy as it gets and I knew in an instant it was to be ours.


Upon winning the auction we immediately demolished the house, cleared the overgrown weeds and revealed the most magnificent view of Lake Cootharaba. A true diamond in the rough. Ever since, we have spent every spare moment transforming this land into the sanctuary that The Wild Exchange today calls home. 


As Land For Wildlife we are committed to rehabilitating the land post-demolition and have planted over 300 natives around our play area. We are also home to a few koalas and over half the land is protected Koala Habitat that will never be developed.


As settlers to this land, it is a privilege to call it home and be able to invite the community here to share in its' magic. However, we recognise this land always was and always will be Aboriginal land. We gather, connect and care for this land with deep respect and gratitude for the Traditional Custodians, the Gubbi Gubbi people. May we continue the sacred connection between land and people in the work we do here. 

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